Kalli's Epic Critique Thread

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by Kalli, Jul 18, 2007.

  1. Hulka

    Hulka Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 28, 2006
    Juicy Juice HQ
    Thanks, do you think you could talk me thru a psd of yours sometime on msn to help me? PM Me, if you can.
  2. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Yea I might be able to help you do that. I am moving tomorrow but as soon as I get back I can.

    I am going to go ahead and close this thread until I get back..sorry everyone.
  3. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Ok guys...I am finally back.
  4. dinges

    dinges Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2005
    The Netherlands
    kewl, critique my current plz
  5. JL Rubidox

    JL Rubidox Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 29, 2006

    Thanks. ;)
  6. rutiene

    rutiene Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2007
    Not completely finished, so suggestions and harsh critique welcome x]

    Also my first sig in 3 years. <_>

  7. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Dinges -

    This is a very interesting tag and quite unique. I do personally quite like it, well to an extent. Although it may be unique, it still does have quite a few flaws when you deeply look into it as a tag in itself. Ok, so lets go ahead and go into detail with this tag.

    First off that I am not looking too well would have to be the left side. I know that is either the effects on the tag or possibly just the render itself, but it looks dirty. It kinda looks like they are dust specs on a lens for a camera or something. You know, like it doesn't really look all that clean and smooth. Then the next thing that really does bug me a lot is that border. I guess it kinda of works with the tag, but it looks there more just to have a white background instead of the background on GR. SO in my own opinion I think it could either be removed or done something different with it. Kinda just looks like a Thick 1px border if you know what I mean.

    I think you did a good job on most of the text and I actually like it. The only thing is when it actually comes to your name. You did a good job on the backwards text and I like the clipping masks you have on them. However, your name looks like you just added it in there to have your name. It kinda looks out of place to the feel of the rest of the tag, and even having it forwards kinda throws me off a bit on it. Next would be the color. The color is not bad, but it just seems a tad bit bland to me. I mean it is nothing major, but I think maybe some more darks or something in there would look better.

    Then next I would have to say a small thing about the lighting. The light source on the right looks good, but it just stays too light on the left in my opinion. I mean I see on the render another light source over there, but on the tag I do not. I think maybe a small one added over there with some good use of the dodge and burn tool would look nice. I just mainly would like to see some darker areas in this tag. Also the detail of the effects seem minimal mainly due to the fact it is such a bright tag. So maybe even adding some more effects, but keeping it minimal, that were a bit more visible would look nice.

    LL COOL JEW Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 24, 2005
    My House
    please and thank you.
    and +rep for all your other crits
  9. Birakon

    Birakon Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 24, 2005

    CnC away buddy :D
  10. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Rubidox -

    Pretty interesting tag you have there. Kinda makes me think of a retro type feeling tag. I actually like the overall feel to the tag, but unfortunately with every tag there is always room for improvement. So let us get to that part.

    I think the first and foremost thing that I am not liking all that much would have to be the text in this tag. I mean it is not bad text, but I think there could be some better suited text for the tag. Like the font is nice and the colors are almost perfect, but it is the feel of the text unfortunately. The whole tag itself is kinda not so much rough, but not smooth in that aspect. Then with the text being so smooth it just looks a bit too out of place I guess. Still nice text, however.

    The depth is definitely nice in this tag, which is good too see because a lot of time with tags like this the depth always looks too forced. In this case it fits just pefectly to me. The effects are nice, I mean it looks like they are all stock images almost. However, there is one spot I am not too keen on. I do like those yellowish lines, and I think the ones on the right are great, but the left I don't like as much. Mainly for two reasons. I see it almost like it should be either more slanted left or more even over the render, I can not quite place it though. Also the top of it I think would look better if it did not look so displaced.

    I think the last two things I can really say anything about in this tag would have to be the border and the lighting. The border, well I personally do not like but I would not say is bad. But the color I am just not too keen on either. Then the lighting is actually not bad at all. It seems as though it was placed and set well so that it looks like it fits in with the render. However, the left is what is bothering me. You have a lot of light over there. I think that this could be fixed easily though. The whole tag is pretty light in general, some more darker spots in this tag might even look good. Just make sure that is does not get overdone ever.

    Merged Post:

    Rutiene -

    Pretty interesting concept you have started there. The only thing, however, is you want me to harshly critique this, yet as I see all you have done is added text to a stock and then messed with the lighting. If this is not true, please speak up and I will edit that statement. Anyways, for the critiquing now.

    I definitely do think that this is a good idea, however there are still parts of it to be improved even as it is not finished yet. The two things I can really say would have to be the lighting and the color. I think the color of the lime is pretty decent but I would like to see better color on the left and such. I think it is kinda of basically ugly. However I think it is due to the fact that the lighting is not the best. You have the concept of the light coming from the light, however, the light is not the best. I think if either more light was being given off....not meaning brighter, but more distance....or that there was more darker areas the colors could look better. Maybe even try to saturate it up a tad bit.
  11. rutiene

    rutiene Member

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    Jul 31, 2007
    Yea, it does look like that D: I would give you my PSD but errr, yea. Not sure how... My main issue with it is that I like the background of the splash, but I'm not sure how to make the actual splash stand out, but not take the focus off of the "source of light". I'm definitely a newbie so I'm really at a loss of how to fix it. x.x;
  12. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

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    Apr 5, 2006

    I think this is a pretty nice tag actually. I would say it is a lot better than you current. I think there are definitely some nice stuff in the tag that are better than a lot I have been seeing lately. However, there are always those flaws that everyone just loves so much!

    I think you did a pretty decent job with working with depth. However, I think that you may have over-blurred the background just a tad bit. Blurring is always a good way to make some depth, but you have to make sure to not overdo the blurring because that can overall just make it look not as good. Also the effects in the front are nice because they have that sharp feel, but there are a few spots where I think that they are over-sharpened. Next would be the render itself. The render looks to be just a bad cut. You can in areas see the outline of the render's background and that just detracts right there. Maybe try cleaning it up a bit or having someone do that for you.

    Next would have to be the lighting. I think that you did a decent job with the lighting in the back but in the front it seems too strong. Now first, you have like three light sources, and from what I see with the render, there should only be one and in this case it should be on the left. You have the largest source over there but I think it is too large. Maybe try not getting the center of the soft brush in there and having that go off too the bottom or something. Also the background looks like it should be oppsosite because of the lighting back there. I like that lighting, it is just in the wrong place. Also get rid of the smaller light source in the front of the tag.

    Last two things are the text and the render blending. I think the text is not bad, but I am just no too keen on it. I think mainly because of the size and the font that you have chose. Maybe try some different fonts and maybe even different placement areas. Then the render blending. I think it was done decently well, however I think the blur is odd. The render is suppose to be up front, however you have some of it blurred. Maybe try having the whole render in focus.

    Merged Post:

    Rutiene -

    Maybe next time I am on when you are and I have time I can try to help you over MSN. So PM me next time you see me on.

    LL COOL JEW Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 24, 2005
    My House
    thank you very much i felt the same on many of those things.
  14. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

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    Apr 5, 2006
    Birakon -

    I can say probably only really one good thing about this tag sadly, and that is that you got the light source in the right direction. I hate when I come around like this and I look like I am being mean. But hey, you asked for my critiquing...haha.

    The first thing is the light source. Yes, you do have it in the right place and the light is going in the correct direction. However, the light source is way too overpowering. I think that you either need to move it out of the tag so you don't see the actual light source, just the light coming from it, or maybe tone it down quite a bit. I know that the light on the render is strong, but you do not need to compensate for that with a strong light source. By doing that it detracts from the tag. Next would be the text. I think that the font choice is pretty nice, but the setup of the text and the placement would not be the best. Mainly because the on top of the other type text takes too much space and also that location of the text is not the best either.

    I think the last two main things are the depth and the effects. There is a tad bit depth there, however, it is not too great. I think maybe if the background was just even a tad bit darker that it would make some better depth, and maybe a tad bit more blurring. But the overall tag is so light, that darker spots in the tag would not look to bad even if it was not done for depth. Then lastly are the effects. The effects you have in here are definitely trying to create some flow and was somewhat successful. However, they may create flow but the do not create appeal. The effects just look dirty. They look like they are almost crap on the camera lens type thing. They just basically look messy and I think if they were smoother they might even look better.

    Merged Post:

    No problem m8. Okay guys, I am getting off for awhile. I should be on later tonight.
  15. JL Rubidox

    JL Rubidox Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 29, 2006
    Thank you Kalli. +Rep for your kindness. ;)

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