Kalli's Epic Critique Thread

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by Kalli, Jul 18, 2007.

  1. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Yea..I am on.
  2. Chilled

    Chilled Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2005
    As your cnc is so good :wub:

  3. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Chilled -

    It Sucks! Haha just messing. I actually kinda like this one. Probably not one of my favorites of yours, but it is still a tag I would that lives up to your standards of tag making haha! Anyways....

    The first thing that I think I noticed that seemed a bit off when I looked at the tag would have had to been the lighting. I would have to say that you nailed almost perfectly the back lighting. I mean I think it transitions a bit fast, but other than that it does look quite good. The brightness and position is just perfect. However, it is the lighting on the render in contrast with that, that bugs me. The lighting on the render seems to be coming from above the render and it seems to be of a white. So I think that because you have no frontal light source, it seems to throw the tag off a little bit in that aspect. However, also on the left top it seems like there is an attempted light source over there that kinda of looks out of place. I am not sure if that is intentional at all, but it just does not fit in with the tag in my opinion.

    The next thing I was really looking at were the effects of the tag. The effects seem a tad overdone in this tag. I mean the larger effects look nice and the way flow of the effects are good, it just seems there might be a tad too many. All of those speckles just seem to overpower the tag a tad bit. I mean I like the look of them, just in a few places they could use a bit of toning down. Also that bubble effect or what not on his left shoulder looks weird. When I first looked at it, it was like what is wrong with his shoulder? So I mean that does fit but it doesn't at the same time, so it is probably nothing to really worry about though.

    Now the depth in part of this tag is well done, but in others seems lacking there of. Like with that left top light, there seems to be no depth right there, and it just looks kinda of odd. I actually think that would be so much better if that lighter area was just removed or darkened more. Next is the right side which does have some depth. I just think that maybe if there were some more lighter and darker areas over there that it might create a bit more depth there and actually improve the tag some more. The render blending in the tag is pretty much just perfect, so that was a good aspect I very much liked about this tag. The last thing though is the text. When I look at the text with the overall tag it does not look great but it does not look bad or bother me at all. But when I just focus on the text it kinda of looks out of place. So the text is not bad...but neither good in my opinion. I would kinda of just say it is just text that sits there.
  4. squiffystriker

    squiffystriker Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 19, 2007
    Just wondering ^_^


  5. Aurora v.2

    Aurora v.2 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2007
    this tag is for a sig of the week for another website and the theme really is not my thing: looney toons, so I'm not so secure about the sig

    v.1: (1px black border)

    v.2: (no border)

    also, I'm having trouble deciding on a good border. I need to make it better, and it seems as though you give good advice :) Thanks
  6. Chilled

    Chilled Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2005
    Thanks alot, helped.

    The top left isnt lighting, i dont actually know what it is but it does need darkening :P

    Lighting was difficult as I didnt want to put a light source above the render as I thought it would throw it off.

    Strange that most comments for the sig on other forums was that the render needs to be blended better :S

    Bit lost as what to do with text but I wanted to put some in there so I just kept it simple.

    Thanks for the cnc though :D

    Already repped you in that last 45 days :tongue:

  7. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Squiffystriker -

    Well I would definitely say that I am liking aspects of both. However, I think with a few adjustments I would say that I would prefer version 1 out of both versions. Mainly due to the fact of the color of the tag.

    I think that the first thing that I started looking at when I first looked at the tag were the effects. The effects in fact do look pretty nice in this tag and they were portrayed well, except for a few spots. I went ahead and showed you here -


    These are the two spots that really stood out to me as were not mixing well with the overall tag. The spot on the left is not the worst but compared to the effects around it and the -------flow of the tag, the waviness kind of throws off the flow at that area of the tag and looks odd in my opinion. Then the right side, that area just creates a messy chaotic look over there. I think it would look much niced if you had just some simpler flow over there. That area also looks to be a tad sharp and could use some toning down.

    Next thing would have to be the lighting in the tag. The lighting is done pretty well, but I even though I prefer version 1 I think the lighting in version 2 is better. There seems to be some more light and dark contrast going on in the second. I think if you added those darker areas into the first version it might look better. Also to me there is no distinct light source. You can not really tell if the light is coming from above or below, so maybe try to distinguish it a bit more. The depth in the tag is pretty well done and I can not really complain about that at all. The last thing, however, is the text. At least I think it is suppose to be text, correct me if I am wrong. The text/effect that is one the left side near the bottom. It is white and kinda of just looks weird. To me, I think with it being so light, it just does not belong over there and looks quite out of place.
  8. Irrelevant

    Irrelevant Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 19, 2005

    all from scratch, 981 layers.
  9. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Aurora v.2 -

    Don't worry...I usually almost always hate using any renders like Anime and such. Looney Toons though I think would almost take the top there to my hating of usage. Anyways, I will go ahead and first address your worry of the border.

    I would say do NOT go with the 1px border. Actually what I should say is, NEVER use a 1px border. I use to use those as did most everyone. But as you get more into graphics and such you realize and understand that using a 1px border is like making a tag with no appeal at all. It just does not look good. I actually took your tag into photoshop myself and was playing around with borders and came to a conclusion. This tag looks best without any border at all. So I would say unless you absolutely need a border, leave the tag with no border.

    Next thing that was bugging me is your text. The text does not fit into the tag at all. The font, the size, the color, the position, none of it. Also I think that you have too much text. I know you are probably required to have your name on your tag, but I would suggest that be the only text you have on the tag. Since the tag is pretty unique and has a strange feel to it, you might almost be better of using some strange font or such. Or going so simple, but that might be really hard to coordinate with the tag. Also the other thing that is bugging me is the quality difference. The render itself is not the best quality, but the background is just horrible quality. It looks like you took a render and slapped it one the first desert scene you found. So yea, the background I hate to say, is very un-appealing. It looks of just such bad quality that it looks as a bad tag.

    Also the other problem with the background and the effects is there is no flow, depth, and not even a light source. All tags need a good light source accompanied by some depth. Every now and again you can really get a tag with almost no flow that will look nice, but I have not seen to many like that. But with this tag, it just looks very simple and seems as though you did not put a lot of effort into it. So I would suggest maybe even just restarting with this tag, with the same idea, but work with it some more.
  10. MudDesignz

    MudDesignz Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 5, 2007
    well as i see you give damn good CnC's i want you to cnc this :P


    cuz i stil haven't god anycomments on it i hope you would give one :)
  11. Aurora v.2

    Aurora v.2 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2007
    Thanks for the CnC.

    The site requires its name to be on the sig as well as my name, that's why that's all there, it's stupid, I know.

    The background is an actual background from Coyote and Roadrunner, because I wasn't sure just brushing or smudging and such would work with the render, but I do see your point.

    I'll work on it then.
  12. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Irrelevant -

    Well your name kinda of pretty much says it all for the layer comment. I personally hate it when people say that this has so many layers, it was all defaults, no c4ds, the best techniques, etc etc. I hate it basically because that does not matter, what matters is the result and only the result. With this tag, yes it is pretty cool but I know a few people who could make something like that in probably no more than 300 layers. Anyways I will go ahead and critique it.

    I think I would have to honestly say that the only part of this tag I can really say I like is the very center. The glowing orb/planet/ball or whatever it is really does look kinda cool. It looks like a planet is being formed or something like that. The same effects look to be used in some way on the right, but they seem faded out and do not produce that nice look as in the center. The effects above and below the center orb just seem kinda messy. I think they would look better there if they were just a bit more simple and not so much overlapping and going everywhere.

    The left side of the tag looks kinda of boring in my opinion. The center you have the orb, the right it kinda of looks like a window type thing, but on the right you have just a panel type area. I think there needs to be something going on over there. Also those wavy lines/wires on the left look out of place to me. Everything else seems to be straight and then you have those, they just look weird. Also the text I think could be a lot better. The choice of font just to me is not all that appealing either.

    So all in all, I do give you props for making this from scratch. However, there is not much to say than it is just another tech sig. I am not a fan of these either because they all look the same pretty much. So again, nice job doing it from scratch, but there are still those areas that could always use improvement.

    Merged Post:

    MudDesignz -

    Hmm I am not really all that sure on this tag. I can not really tell if it is me or if the tag itself really is over-contrasted. Either way it does not look all that appealing to me in that area. Also the lighting to me seems to be just a bit off.

    I think that you nailed the lighting in the back although the transition from light to dark seems to be a bit too sudden. Though that light in the front just kinda seems as though it was randomly put in there. It does not really fit in my opinion and I think that you could take the light source out and that it would look a lot better. I do like how you were working with the blur on the depth, but you might have just overdone it a tad bit. Blur is always good with depth, but in some cases it can be over-blurred and that does not always look the best. So maybe sharpen it up just a tad, but to the point where it is still blurred.

    The effects you have used in the tag seem to be pretty good, but there are just a minimal amount. I think if there were some more disinguished effects, especially on the left and right areas where it seems to be a bit dull, that it might look better. Also those effects in the front seem a bit odd, just like random. There is no flow in the front, but there is flow in the back. But I think the effects in the front need to be sharpened and not blurred, that just kinda throws off the depth. Also in the future you might want to try to make it so the render itself does not take up so much space of the tag.
  13. MudDesignz

    MudDesignz Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 5, 2007
    thnx for the comment :)

    size was on purpose :P and the effects arren't random :P and yeah i agree on some parts but i got lazy xD
  14. Doctor

    Doctor Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2006
    This is currently a WIP, and I can't figure out what to add/change.


    Thanks in advance
  15. Irrelevant

    Irrelevant Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 19, 2005
    thanks bro- for the cnc. I was kinda looking for some suggestions from you along with the cnc =p lol, but just cnc is fine.

    as for the layers and saying how much of it i made- im just tired of people (those who dont know me) asking me or telling me if/that the sig looks like a render with text slapped on it. Not this sig in particular or this style- but my others which i do use renders in but mostly make the rest myself. Its quite annoying, i can show you in a PM what i mean.

    in anycase thanks :D

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